1. Someone might ask, and I will admit it now--yesterday's screenshots were irrelevent to the content of the post. Most were just amusing things I saw, such as multicolored ghosts, a spectre named Warren, and a talking door.
2. Concerning Ultima VIII: I will be using the same software/hardware for it as every other Ultima game, namely DOSBox on my HP Pavillion laptop. I play in a window and leave a page of notes open on the left.
3. Someone on Facebook mentioned Ultima VIII as being their favorite of all the games. That made me feel sad.
4. Concerning skulls on tombstones--the gargoyles had them, but so did some other people it seemed.
5. Someone mentioned being unable to play heir Zelda games due to the graphics. This seems odd to me--I just played Zelda II a few months ago. I'm also fond of a similar game, Battle of Olympus. I almost exclusively pay retro games, to be honest. I've played only a very few games (Half-Life, Age of Empires) that I enjoyed in the past ten years or so. The magic seems to have been lost somehow, in preference for of mass-marketing.

With a full map of the lowest level (which is oddly devoid of quests or things to accomplish--you can skip nearly the whole level without a problem) I am now prepared to head back up and accomplish the few quests I still have left behind. In no particular order:
-Smoke some incense with the wizards on level six
-Tell the magic word from Gurstang, a prisoner, to a wizard on level six
-Give a picture of Tom to the sad old lady on level five
-Also on level five, learn a flute tune. Requires finding a flute.
-Level five again: Get the giant nugget of gold from a wizard
-Find a crazy man on level three and get the taper of sacrifice
-Get my sword from Shak (finally) on level two
-Find the wine of Compassion. So far, no one has given a crap about the Urgo guy that I rescued from the Lizardmen. I'm pretty sure this leads to the wine, but how, I know not!
I could also use a better sword, but I just haven't found anything decent. I need it to swing fast and do extra damage. How about fireballs or something? Bah.
I got a mysterious "underworld error" on level seven of the abyss, in fact, I get it whenever I enter or exit the level. It seems to not matter, but it makes me nervous nonetheless. I also found this crazy flying rat on level eight--I would be standing on a ledge, and then the rat fell in front of me from nowhere, and then it suddenly slid off into the air and I didn't see it again...until an hour later, as I headed to the exit of the abyss, where it was floating in midair!
Tooty, fluty goodness is in a chamber behind Goldthirst's throne. Nab it while delivering the golden McNugget. No, he doesn't give you a decent sword for it. Caliburn is pretty good though, and once you lose it by the plot, you don't need a weapon afterwards.
Dr Owl is completely lacking in compassion, but he is honorable. Murgo is his servant.
Tyball is easiest to kill if you destroy his orb first. That halves his hitpoints and allows you to work magic back at him.
Crazy trivia about Garamon and Tyball: This game was translated into Japanese at one point, and the dev team got a call from the translator asking which was the older brother. He needed to know because "older brother" and "younger brother" are different words in Japanese. Up to this point, no one had even considered the matter, and when you think about it, it makes a bit of difference to the plot: an older brother is a bit of an authority figure to the younger, so was the murder an act of tyrranical betrayal or rebellious usurpation?
They decided on the former, I think mainly because Doug Church liked it better. Betrayal by older authority figures went on to become a theme in most of the games that Church worked on (System Shock, Thief, Deus Ex, etc.)
In an interview, Warren Spector admitted that for some reason, all of his games have something play with th rdysfuntional family theme.
I'm guessing the Amulet of Travel is the thing around Tyball's neck, so it's not that bad.
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