Today was Despise day! Claus was right--there is plenty of gold to be had there. The dungeon can be divided into basically two parts, one of which I think is actually Shame. The first part is the most complicated, with about six or seven different keys, and a lot of switched that need to be flipped. Among other things, I found a lost wizard. The hardest part is frankly trying all those keys on every door! There was also one chest that I could never seem to unlock...One of my favorite parts is the section of the game where you walk across this bridge to another set of mountains. Having seen that bridge while

exploring north of Britian, it was exciting. Plenty of magic items lurk inside the dungeon, including one of my favorites, the magic boomerang which can pass through walls. Sadly, mine seems to have vanished at some point--I don't nderstand where it went, but I have noticed sometimes magic axes seem to randomly drop on the ground.

The second half of the dungeon is more tedious due to the large number of teleport traps
and this annoying pillar that launches fireballs that blow away your party in seconds. There was a similar launcher earlier in the dungeon, but I was happily able to block it with some barrels. Incidentally, what does the switch next to that launcher do? Anyway, I found the sphere, but can't get in--as expected. So I headed the other direction and found the chambers of some bad guys who planned to attack Lord British's castle! This is the location of the first full suit of magic armor, as well as magic and flame swords. The flame sword is a favorite of mine, since it obviates the need for a torch. In order to help carry all my new stuff, I recruited Dupre from Jhelom and then used the recall spell to get back into the dungeon.

Now I must branch to a different subject. The first time I ever played Ultima VII, my brother had the strange experience of the paladin and pirate from that group of bad guys I mentioned earlier appear on the roof of Lord British's castle! What might have caused that? The event made me wonder--maybe f you wait long enough, they all appear and conquer the castle? Hmm...Highly unlikely, given the Ultima VII code has been more or less analyzed and reanalyzed a million times by the Exult teams and others; if there were anything there, it would be known.
Finally--Transcripts for most of the games are available on Underworld Dragon's "The Literal Ultima." Are VII and Serpent Isle and the complete VI available anywhere? I always feel bad when I refuse to help people, but I remain curious about what they would say if I did...
Tomorrow I'll finish off the sphere...Then, the tetrahedron? Most likely. Then the Isle of Fire I think...
I think you should also do the Cube generator before the isle of fire.
The reason is that after the isle of fire your stats become really high, and you may pass the defenses of the cube without getting the cadelite.
The reason is that after the isle of fire your stats become really high, and you may pass the defenses of the cube without getting the cadelite.
But that'd count as cheating ;)
Besides, the cube is an important plot item for its own reasons. It works out thematically better to get it last.
why don't you put screenshots ?
Ultima VII graphic quality deserves more screenshots
I remember playing this with all its bugs and such on an old computer where the sound card didn't work properly....I never got to hear the audio until years later....my my, I missed a lot!
I also realized a while ago that the complete collection disk that I own is worth a lot now; who would've thought?
Ah, yes, that group of evils with all the good gear ... I think that group was just put there to reward the dilligent explorer. After all, I think you only know what they have planned once you kill them and read their meeting minutes.
Apart from that, I think Despise is my favorite dungeon of all times of all games. So much to find there!
Just curious, but why haven't you decided to go after the magic carpet yet? Best mode of transportation in the game!
argh the complete collection disc is worth alot? I bought it then sold it after I'd finished my reruns through the games years ago!! DOH!!!
There is some amusement value in doing, or at least visiting, the Isle of Fire before the first generator. You can get Erethian ticked off and he'll do a demonstration of his power. Of course if the Ether is still messed up, the results are a little... unexpected.
The group in the dungeon that is plotting against LB has a note that says they will attack the castle on the 7th day. After the 7th game day, two of them will appear on the castle roof - but there are no further developments there afterwards.
Paul, I spotted them on the roof once also. But - if I killed them then, will they be in Despise too?
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